Sunday, 6 October 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback Thoughts

The article "Why Rejection Hurts So Much" by Guy Winch (you can read it here) offered some interesting points and advice for dealing with feelings of rejection. I particularly found the fact that in the brain the feeling of rejection is recorded to be very similar to physical pain interesting- I never knew that before I read the article. I can see how it makes sense though. Rejection does hurt, emotionally especially. Not even necessarily romantic rejection- rejection in terms of ideas or working in a group. Rejection makes people feel self critical which can affect their relationships and work. For example, in school I was consistently rejected in a variety of ways such as in storywriting for english class and in art class.
Things like "that's not good you shouldn't do that again" or "do something different" with no sort of feedback or constructive criticism. The rejection of my ideas with no feedback made me very self critical- and something this article thought me is to not do this and instead look at my positive traits and what I can offer to people. This is a very useful tip and I will make use of it in future!

Feedback silhouettes 

The article "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head" by Sabina Nawaz (you can read it here) talks of a businessman who becomes overly self critical and as a result slows down his work and becomes less confident. This article proves useful in giving tips to help you out of the mindset that you arent good enough. One of the things I took away from the article was to look at the positive- and if you dont receive a positive feedback, ask explicitly for it. Focusing on positive feedback instead of negative is a very good idea as it tells you what you should replicate in the future and helps raise confidence. The idea that you need 5 positive voices for every negative voice is something I havent heard of until now.
I think that constructive criticism is the best way to go- have a positive and something the person could improve on rather than criticising them personally. Constructive criticism has helped me a lot in my art journey to improve- hearing positive and things to improve on motivated me to work harder, while hearing feedback like "that sucks" made me feel bad about myself and not want to draw more. 

Feedback is very important to word correctly- and in my own experience it's good to include a positive in feedback. I will definitely take the advice from the articles on board when receiving and giving feedback for projects in the future.

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