Tuesday 12 November 2019

Tech Tip Cheezburger

Tech Tip Cheezeburger

Upon realising that memes were a part of of the tech tips, I decided to make one on Cheezburger since 1. I need to catch up with some points and 2. cats are the best.

I saw a beautiful image of a cat peeking around a wall and it reminded me of myself constantly lurking around the kitchen corners whenever I put on a pot of pasta, so I put a similar caption on to the picture.

I made this using Cheezburger!

Though a bit outdated of a meme format, I did enjoy looking at all the cat pictures on the site and it has a certain charm to it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayleigh!

    To be honest, I wasn't expecting everyone to be posting memes on their blogs, let alone all on the SAME week! Everyone probably needed some of that extra credits...

    I have also made a meme on my blog, you can check it out if you want. I didn't know if I'm allowed to make memes with other online programs but hope you enjoyed it!


    (P.S. the meme is a gif)


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