Sunday, 29 September 2019

Time Strategies

Time Management Strategies

Time management is generally something I struggle a lot with. I am very prone to procrastinate on every little thing, a bad habit I've picked up over the years. I believe that I procrastinate and leave things late due to the fact that I work better under stress, but I realise that it's not healthy to constantly stress and that it would be way more beneficial to learn some time management strategies, especially for this semester.

Last semester I feel that I fell short on a lot of my work due to the little time I allowed myself to work on it. I did well in all my results, but felt I could have done better if I had planned and managed my time more.

I read two articles; one about procrastination and one about the benefits of making checklists.
You can find them here!

How To Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb

How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented by  Lauren Marchese

Time management photo 

Getting tips on beating procrastination is really useful to me since I struggle with it a lot.
I particularly liked the idea of starting with even a small task; breaking the overall goal up into several manageable tasks. I'm often very intimidated with assignments and big goals when I get them, and tend to put them off. Breaking what I need to do up and getting a start on the smaller tasks helps motivation and the reward of completing a task makes you want to complete more.

The article about checklists also links into this! Ticking tasks off a checklist releases dopamine in the brain which raises motivation and increases happiness- a reward for completing the task. The dopamine released upon checking off things will increase productivity as you strive to check off more for the feeling of being rewarded.

Creating a checklist also aids in helping against procrastination; it makes a big goal less daunting and helps get a start on it instead of putting it off.

I also never thought to look at how avoiding procrastination would benefit myself in the future. I never really thought of that while I was procrastinating, but it makes sense that if you look ahead and see how not doing it would benefit you it would motivate you to not procrastinate.

These articles were quite useful to me as they gave me new insights on things I would not have even thought about before.

I think my biggest challenge will be keeping on top of everything this semester since there is a lot of workload with the group project on top of all the other modules- but I think that taking some tips from the articles on board and making a checklist will help me overcome it!

Thank you for reading my blog!

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